In a desolate land, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy struggle to survive with only one loaf of bread. When Donald's plan to kill their cow fails, Mickey trades the cow for magic beans. After accidentally planting the beans, a giant beanstalk sprouts, lifting their house into the sky. The trio finds themselves in a new land with a massive castle, where they discover an abundance of food. Unbeknownst to them, the castle belongs to Willie the Giant, who is displeased with their presence. He captures Donald and Goofy, imprisoning them with a stolen golden harp that dries up their home, Happy Valley. Mickey steals the keys, rescues his friends and the singing harp, and they all escape before Willie catches them.
Mickey and the Beanstalk
In the idyllic Happy Valley, a treasured Singing Harp has been pilfered, and Mickey, Donald, and Goofy embark on a quest to solve the mystery by investigating the sprawling castle of the cantankerous Willie the Giant, situated high above the clouds.