Maikäfer flieg background

Maikäfer flieg

The film "Vienna 1945" tells the story of a 9-year-old girl named Christine, who witnesses the devastating effects of war and Russian occupation through her innocent eyes. After being forced to flee their home due to bombing and poverty, Christine and her family are taken in by a wealth...

"Set in 1945 Vienna, the film follows the story of 9-year-old Christine as she navigates the devastating aftermath of war. After being forced to flee their home, Christine and her family take refuge in a luxurious villa on the outskirts of the city, only to find themselves at the mercy of the Russian occupation."

Info about Maikäfer flieg

Studio(s): KGP Kranzelbinder Gabriele Production

Originally Released: United States, Mar 11, 2016

Production Country: Austria

Box Office Gross: $210,865.00
