Lili Marleen background

Lili Marleen

Set in 1938, the film tells the poignant tale of a German singer who falls deeply in love with a Jewish composer in Zurich, who bravely helps Jews escape Nazi Germany. Despite her desire to assist, she is tragically forced to return to Germany, where her song "Lili Marleen" unexpectedly...

In 1940s Switzerland, a German singer named Willie falls for a Jewish composer named Robert, who secretly aids refugees fleeing the Nazi regime. Despite their love, Willie's family mistakenly believes she's a Nazi sympathizer, putting Robert's family at risk.

Info about Lili Marleen

Studio(s): Rialto Films, Roxy Film

Originally Released: United States, Jan 14, 1981

Production Country: Germany

Box Office Gross: $8,144.00

Genres:Drama, Music, Romance, War