In this western drama, a newcomer to town, Bill Ralston, initially seeks a peaceful life but soon finds himself entangled in a violent conflict between the townspeople and a ruthless gang led by Poe Daggett. Assuming the role of town Marshal, Bill brings order to the community, but a violent ambush by Daggett's men results in the tragic death of Bill's friend, Brant. Poe's subsequent killing of Bill's friend sets the stage for a thrilling showdown between the two adversaries.
Law and Order
As Bill Ralston settles into town, he finds himself entangled in a bitter feud between the locals and Poe Daggett's ruthless gang. Taking on the role of town Marshal, Bill swiftly restores order, earning the respect of the townsfolk. However, his newfound authority is short-lived, as Daggett...