The once peaceful all girls boarding school, 'Girl's Model College' becomes the center for strange and unprecedented events when three students, ANNA (16),S.S.3, AMENZE (15),S.S.2 and OSASU (17) S.S.3, decide to amuse themselves at midnight with scary boarding school stories. The eerie creepy sounds of heeled shoes pierce the cold silent night, sending shivers down their spines and sending them to bed earlier than planned. The events of the night should be written off as a product of imagination but the mysterious discovery of a dead student 'JENNIFER' the next morning creates terror among the students and this becomes even more terrifying when a student connects the events of the previous night with the death of Jennifer and establishes the return of the mythical student killer 'Lady Koi Koi' to the school. Jennifer's death heralds the beginning of a whole new level of inexplicable spiritual and demonic occurrences in the once peaceful school. Anna doesn't believe in ghosts or spirits, she sets out on a quest to unravel the mystery behind the sudden mysterious happenings. Anna tackles the self-appointed responsibility of unraveling the Lady Koi Koi mystery on one end and faces antagonism and head on conflict on the other end with a rival gang led by her arch enemy CYNTHIA (16). Anna's quest produces shocking revelations, stranger events overtake the school, more mysterious deaths occur and slowly the quest draws Anna deeper into an infernal world she never believed existed and by the time she discovers she has got in too deep, it may just be too late for poor Anna to turn around.
Koi Koi - The Myth
At an all-girls boarding school, a determined student takes on a perilous investigation to uncover the truth behind a sinister force that has taken over the institution, but her lack of preparation makes her vulnerable to the darkness that surrounds her.