In 1976, Brian de Palma directed "Carrie," the first novel by Stephen King. Since then, over 50 directors have adapted the master of horror's books into more than 80 films and series, solidifying him as the most adapted author still alive in the world. What is it about King's work that continues to captivate directors and audiences alike? The feature documentary "KING ON SCREEN" brings together filmmakers who have adapted Stephen King's books for cinema and TV, featuring a cast of over 25 directors including Frank Darabont, Tom Holland, Mick Garris, and Taylor Hackford. This movie is a celebration of King's work, created by fans for fans, with an international scope. Stop.
King on Screen
In 1976, Brian de Palma adapted Stephen King's first novel, "Carrie," into a film, launching a trend of over 80 movies and shows based on the prolific horror author's stories. King holds the title of the most adapted living author globally.