A young man named Vijay is sent to Ooty by his father, a police officer, to work and become a responsible businessman. He falls in love with a college student named Anjali, but her brothers, who are dangerous criminals, are against their love. Meanwhile, Vijay's father is falsely accused and sent to jail, and his brother appoints a disabled lawyer named Karnaa to represent him. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that Karnaa is actually Vijay's twin brother, who was abandoned by their father when he was a baby due to his disability. Karnaa is determined to win the case and prove his father's innocence, and he eventually succeeds. Along the way, Vijay gets arrested and Karnaa helps him escape from jail. Together, they take down their father's illegal business and rescue their parents, who were kidnapped by Devaraj's goons.
A young man named Vijay is sent by his father to Ooty to work and become a responsible businessman, but he soon falls in love with a college student named Anjali.