In the small town of Blue Spruce, Colorado, a Christmas-obsessed community revolves around Chris Kringle and his family, who run a Christmas tree farm and seasonal shops. When a leak forces Chris to move into his parents' magical home, he unwittingly switches places with workaholic PR executive Emily, who was supposed to spend her holiday on Bali. Emily soon discovers she's been magically stranded and must participate in festive activities to revive her lost Christmas spirit. As she tries to earn her return, she helps the Kringles save the local Christmas fair from Chris's ex-fiancée, Gwen Rinch, while navigating her feelings for Chris and a potential romantic connection.
Info about Just Like a Christmas Movie
Studio(s): CMW Horizon Productions, Champlain Media
Originally Released: United States, Dec 18, 2023
Production Country: Canada
Just Like a Christmas Movie: Where to Watch Online in United States?
Currently you are able to watch "Just Like a Christmas Movie" for free with ads on Amazon Freevee, Pluto TV, The Roku Channel.