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The film Squatterpunk follows the journey of Hapon, an 8-year-old self-proclaimed Slum King, and his group of misfit gang members as they navigate the vast network of shanty towns that emerge between the...

Squatterpunk is a film that follows an 8-year-old Slum King named Hapon and his gang through the shanty towns of Manila. The movie features stunning black and white images of kids playing amidst the poverty and debris, with a punk score that fuels the energy and emotion. The film's social realism and visual poetry create a mesmerizing and powerful experience that leaves a lasting impression without judgment.


Iskwaterpangk Videos

TRAILER / Squatterpunk / Iskwaterpangk / DIR: Khavn De La Cruz

TRAILER / Squatterpunk / Iskwaterpangk / DIR: Khavn De La Cruz

Info about Iskwaterpangk

Studio(s): Filmless Films

Originally Released: United States, Jan 31, 2007

Production Country: Philippines

Budget: $500.00
