In 1944 Ireland, Bridie Quilty, a determined and independent young woman, navigates her coming of age amidst a backdrop of war and conflict. Despite her desire to join the IRA, she finds herself recruited by a German spy instead. As she works at a pub near a British military prison, Bridie uses her charm to serve the enemy's interests. However, a chance encounter puts a crucial secret in her hands, setting off a thrilling chase involving a British officer who has fallen for her, a mysterious German agent, and the authorities. Meanwhile, Bridie must confront her own internal struggles as she grapples with her complex loyalties and moral ambiguities.
I See a Dark Stranger
In this gripping drama, a fiery and fiercely patriotic Irish woman turns her disdain for England into a deadly obsession, embarking on a perilous journey as a Nazi spy, her actions driven by a burning desire for revenge and a willingness to risk everything.