The movie follows the adult life of Gwen Shamblin Lara, a Christian nutritionist who starts the Weigh Down Workshop program to help people lose weight. However, she becomes disillusioned with traditional Christian teachings and starts her own church, Remnant Fellowship, which emphasizes spiritual fulfillment over nutrition. As the leader of the church, she becomes increasingly controlling and isolated, leading some to accuse her of creating a cult. Despite her strict rules for her followers, she allows herself exceptions, including her own divorce and remarriage to an actor/musician.
Gwen Shamblin: Starving for Salvation
The documentary follows the story of Gwen Shamblin, a charismatic figure with a carefully crafted public image, who rose to fame with her Christian diet program, "Weigh Down Workshop". However, her success was marred by allegations of exploitation and abuse, with critics claiming that h...