The film is composed of three short stories by W. Somerset Maugham. The first, "The Ant and the Grasshopper," follows the misadventures of Tom Ramsey, a ne'er-do-well, as he drives his businessman brother George to distraction. This ultimately leads to Tom winning the heart of the world's third-richest woman, Margaret Vyne. The second story, "Winter Cruise," takes place on a cargo boat where the crew becomes frustrated with the non-stop chatter of a spinster passenger, Miss Reid. In an attempt to silence her, the officers coerce a French steward, Pierre, into having an affair with her. The consequences are unexpected for everyone involved. The third story, "The Gigolo and the Gigolette," revolves around Stella Cotman, a beautiful and daring performer who nightly dives from an eighty-foot platform into a flaming tank at a resort hotel. However, Stella is losing her nerve.
A film featuring three short stories by W. Somerset Maugham, with the author himself introducing each segment.