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Death Kappa

In a world where scientists have created amphibious supersoldiers, a catastrophic event unfolds when a nuclear bomb is detonated, causing widespread destruction and chaos. As Japan struggles to recover from the devastating aftermath, a terrifying monster emerges, leaving the country vulnerable to...

In a Japanese town steeped in folklore, water goblins known as kappa are revered. However, a group of militant researchers has secretly developed amphibious super soldiers inspired by these mythical creatures. When their experiments go awry, escapees wreak havoc, an actual kappa appears, and an atomic bomb is triggered, unleashing catastrophic consequences.

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Info about Death Kappa

Studio(s): Nikkatsu Corporation, Fever Dreams

Originally Released: United States, Jun 25, 2010

Production Countries: Japan, United States

Genres:Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi

Death Kappa: Where to Watch Online in United States?

Currently you are able to watch "Death Kappa" for free with ads on Tubi TV, VUDU.