Darkfall Resurrection background

Darkfall Resurrection

In a distant future, a group of students gather to hear the final tale of Zeav Keela, an elder from the planet Akoh. Zeav reminisces about his youth, recounting his passionate romance with Alexandra and their secret plans to escape together. But their love is threatened by Alexandra's father...

Set in outer space on the planet Akoh, the story follows Zeav Keela as he shares his last tale with a group of students. The story takes a romantic turn as Zeav and Alexandra, madly in love, plan to elope. However, their plans are disrupted when Alexandra's father, a geology professor, makes a significant discovery and keeps a dark secret from his daughter.

Info about Darkfall Resurrection

Studio(s): Dreamquest Productions Australia

Originally Released: United States, Jan 03, 2013

Genres:Romance, Sci-Fi