A family embarks on a white water rafting trip, but their adventure takes a deadly turn when they stumble upon a mysterious unconscious body. As they wait for the person to awaken, two escaped convicts appear, demanding money from the unsuspecting family. In a desperate attempt to deceive the men, the boyfriend fabricates a story, claiming the body is on the other side of the river and that he's keeping the family hostage. The ruse works, and the convicts force the family to cross the river, leaving them stranded and vulnerable. But as they fight to survive and find their way back to safety, questions arise: was the boyfriend's tale true, or was it just a clever ruse to buy time?
Dangerous Waters
River expert Connie Selleca, her boyfriend Matt McCoy, and her children embark on a thrilling river rafting adventure, only to be hijacked by a group of escaped convicts seeking to recover stolen loot.