A young boy tells the story of growing up in a fatherless home with his unmarried mother and four spinster aunts in 1930s Ireland. Five women different in temperament and capability from one another form a firm emotional support system for one another (reluctantly at times), with the eldest assuming the role of "somewhat meddling" overseer. Into this comes their elderly brother, a priest too senile to perform his clerical functions who has "come home to die" after a lifetime in Africa. Then the boy's father rides up on a motorcycle--to announce that he's on his way to Spain to fight against Franco. Although undeniably affected by the presence of the two men, the sisters continue to cope as a close-knit unit until something happens that disrupts the fabric of that cohesiveness beyond repair.
Dancing at Lughnasa
Five unmarried sisters make the most of their simple existence in rural Ireland in the 1930s.