The story revolves around Parker Ballantine, a renowned New York theater critic, and his wife Angie, who is a devoted writer working on an autobiographical play. Despite Parker's initial skepticism and disapproval of Angie's work, she remains determined to get the play produced to prove him wrong. The play's creative team, including producer S.P. Champlain and director Dion Kapakos, acknowledge its flaws but see potential beneath the surface. As the play approaches Broadway, Parker must navigate his professional duty as a critic and his personal relationship with Angie, all while confronting his own biases and the possibility of being honest about his opinion, which may have a profound impact on their marriage.
Critic's Choice
In this dramatic comedy, a struggling theater critic faces an impossible choice: review his wife's potentially mediocre play, risking the breakdown of his marriage, or compromise his professional integrity by ignoring it.