In this sequel to Cotton Comes to Harlem, two tough-as-nails cops, Gravedigger and Coffin Ed, take on a new threat to their Harlem community. A notorious gangster from the Prohibition era, Charleston Blue, has seemingly returned to wreak havoc, leaving a trail of victims in his wake. With his signature Blue straight edge razors, Charleston Blue's brutal methods have the police stumped. As Gravedigger and Coffin Ed delve deeper into the mystery, they must unravel a complex web of clues to put an end to Charleston Blue's reign of terror.
Come Back Charleston Blue
In the sequel to Cotton Comes to Harlem, two Harlem police officers, Gravedigger and Coffin Ed, take on a new challenge as they investigate the reappearance of Charleston Blue, a notorious black gangster from the Prohibition era who was thought to have been dead for decades.