Christmas on Candy Cane Lane background

Christmas on Candy Cane Lane

In the charming town of Icicle Falls, Ivy Donaldson faces the daunting challenge of living up to the legendary reputation of her mother, Muriel, the beloved Christmas icon. After her separation from Rob, Ivy focuses on raising her daughter while navigating a series of quirky and humorous misadven...

In the charming town of Icicle Falls, Ivy Donaldson faces the daunting challenge of living up to her mother's legendary Christmas spirit, Muriel. After separating from her husband Rob, Ivy focuses on raising her daughter, but a series of quirky and humorous events ultimately brings the entire family together in a heartwarming and festive celebration.

Info about Christmas on Candy Cane Lane

Studio(s): Candy Rock Entertainment, Motion Picture Corporation of America

Originally Released: United States, Dec 03, 2022

Production Countries: Canada, United States

Genres:Family, Comedy, Romance