Carolina Cannonball background

Carolina Cannonball

As a nostalgic and thrilling adventure unfolds, a young girl and her grandfather operate a vintage trolley between a bustling train depot and a long-abandoned ghost town on the California-Nevada border. Their peaceful routine is disrupted by the arrival of three spies, hot on the trail of a rogue...

In the Nevada desert, a young girl and her grandfather operate a small trolley that connects a train depot to a deserted town. Their quiet routine is disrupted when three spies arrive, searching for a rogue atomic missile. When the trolley breaks down, Judy and Grandpa inadvertently install the missile's engine, unaware of the chaos that will ensue.

Info about Carolina Cannonball

Studio(s): Republic Pictures

Originally Released: United States, Jan 28, 1955

Production Country: United States

Genres:Comedy, Musical, Sci-Fi