In 1960, Irish author Edna O'Brien made a groundbreaking debut with her novel The Country Girls, which sparked controversy and catapulted her to literary fame. Despite facing backlash in her native Ireland, where her work was banned and burned, O'Brien continued to push boundaries and challenge societal norms. Her life story, captured in the film Blue Road, offers a candid and captivating glimpse into her remarkable journey. With insights from esteemed writers and personal reflections from O'Brien herself, this film provides a poignant tribute to a trailblazing literary icon.
Blue Road: The Edna O'Brien Story
Renowned 93-year-old Irish author Edna O'Brien provides an intimate glimpse into her fascinating life, including her controversial novels, passionate love affairs, and ascent to fame, through personal journals portrayed by actress Jessie Buckley. With contributions from notable writers like ...