In the next movie, a marshal named Rocky comes to the aid of his friend Nugget, whose shipments are being consistently robbed. After discovering that the gang is only targeting incoming shipments, Rocky hypothesizes that they are repacking the stolen goods and then shipping them out themselves. He decides to take matters into his own hands and hijacks the next outgoing shipment, uncovering a box labeled "tools" that actually contains gold bars. Rocky then disguises himself as an outlaw and makes a deal with the gang, hoping to gather evidence and bring them to justice. However, the gang's leader soon discovers Rocky's true identity as a marshal and has him imprisoned.
Black Hills Ambush
Rocky takes action to help his friend Nugget, whose shipments are being repeatedly robbed. By analyzing the gang's modus operandi, he deduces that they are rebranding the stolen goods and then having Nugget ship them out. In response, Rocky seizes the next outgoing shipment to put a stop to ...