In the small town of Burquitlam, mild-mannered butcher Bob Sanderson's life is disrupted when he hires Abdullah, a massive man with a troubled past, as his apprentice. Unbeknownst to Bob, Abdullah is hiding a dark secret: he has just murdered the Mayor of Burquitlam. Meanwhile, an alien spacecraft arrives in search of a rare fuel, Bolonium, which is stored beneath Bob's butcher shop. As chaos ensues, Bob and his new apprentice find themselves entangled in a series of bizarre events, including the theft of the Mayor's Cadillac, the installation of a cyclotron, and the transformation of dalmatian dogs into spotted spam.
Big Meat Eater
Bob Sanderson, a gentle butcher, runs a small shop in the quiet town of Burquitlam, where his slogan is "Pleased to meet you, meat to please you." However, his life is turned upside down when he hires Abdullah, a towering figure known for his voracious appetite.