A young journalist, Jeff Flavin, starts his new job at the Enquirer and is paired with a cynical reporter, Stu Woodrow. Despite Stu's harsh treatment, Jeff proves himself by covering a high-profile escape and even saves Stu's job. However, Stu's disdain for Jeff only grows, and he sends him on a wild goose chase, leading to Jeff's demotion. Undeterred, Jeff investigates a murder trial, using his language skills to uncover a crucial piece of evidence. But with his credibility already tarnished, can Jeff convince anyone to listen to his story?
Behind the News
Jeff Flavin starts his new job as a cub reporter at the Enquirer, paired with seasoned but lazy journalist Stu Woodrow. Despite Stu's initial disdain, Jeff proves his worth by covering a high-profile story, saving his colleague's job in the process.