In the town of Sundown, a U.S. Marshal named Dave Upjohn arrives to investigate reports of lawlessness, only to be murdered by Sheriff Mace Arnold and his deputy. Upjohn's son Steve vows revenge and sets out to expose Arnold's gang. After being left for dead in Chimney Hole, Steve discovers that the residents are actually upstanding ranchers fleeing from Arnold's corruption. With the help of Harmony Haines, Steve learns that Arnold was responsible for his father's murder and enlists the ranchers' aid to take him down. A showdown ensues when Steve and Lucky Shelton offer Arnold a bribe, leading to a gunfight between the honest citizens and Arnold's gang.
Bad Men of the Hills
U.S. Marshal Dave Upjohn descends upon Sundown to uncover the truth behind allegations of lawlessness, only to be greeted by Sheriff Mace Arnold and his trusty deputy, Lefty Brant. As he delves deeper, he discovers that they have been exploiting their position to perpetuate a cycle of robbery.