Bad Dog and Superhero background

Bad Dog and Superhero

A whimsical mashup of classic tales, blending the adventurous spirit of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid with the poetic flair of Shakespeare and the whimsy of Dr. Seuss. The story follows two Romeos, each with their own distinct personality, who cross paths with a captivating Juliet in a world...

In this unconventional retelling, two Romeos from different worlds converge on a fantastical realm inspired by Willy Wonka, seeking to mend the shattered lives of those they encounter, including a Juliet, amidst a backdrop of Shakespearean whimsy and South Park-esque irreverence.

Info about Bad Dog and Superhero

Studio(s): Trees of Shade

Originally Released: United States, Feb 12, 2014

Budget: $150,000.00
