Baby Love background

Baby Love

In this drama, a 15-year-old English schoolgirl named Lucy is left reeling after discovering her mother's lifeless body. Despite their tumultuous past, Lucy's grief is palpable. She finds solace in the family of her mother's old friend, but her resentment towards her new host fathe...

Luci, a 15-year-old English schoolgirl, faces a life-altering event when she discovers her mother's body after a suicide. Her mother's childhood friend, a successful doctor, takes Luci in on a trial basis, introducing her to his family, the Quayles, who have their own set of issues. The father struggles with his libido, the mother longs for the past when she could snuggle with a young girl, and the son is an amateur peeper with a stick up his butt. As Luci tries to fit in, she navigates the complexities of her new family while dealing with her own emotional imbalance. The film, released in 1968, was initially given an "X" rating but later received an "R" rating when released on video in the 1980s.

Info about Baby Love

Studio(s): Avton Films

Originally Released: United States, Mar 19, 1969

Production Country: United Kingdom
