B-Movie background


"B-Movie" is a side-splitting comedy that follows the story of an out-of-work television writer who is persuaded by his closest companion to make a full-length film. With financial backing from his eager friend, the writer sets out to craft a work of cinematic genius, only to encounter ...

B-Movie is a comedy where an out of work TV writer is talked into producing a feature film by his best friend, who funds the movie. Whilst the writer is out to make the best film he possibly can, his friend cuts corners at every opportunity. So much so that he decides that they much work with an amateur dramatics society, who could provide a venue and actors for free. During filming the pair step over an accident with an actor, which ultimately leads the theatre company to pull out, sending the writer on a journey to discover what friendship and community are really about.

Info about B-Movie

Studio(s): Seriously Funny Productions

Originally Released: United States, Sep 27, 2024

Production Country: United Kingdom
