A series of three live-action films released in the 1990s by Walt Disney Pictures revolving around a Twin Cities ice hockey team, composed of young players that stick together throughout various challenges.
Watch The Mighty Ducks
A self-centered Minnesota lawyer is sentenced to community service coaching a rag tag youth hockey team.
Watch D2: The Mighty Ducks
Can Gordon's team win the Junior Goodwill Games in California in spite of all the set-backs?
Watch D3: The Mighty Ducks
The unruly team of hockey misfits grows up a bit and receives scholarships to a prestigious prep school, where they take on the snotty varsity team.
Watch The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers
Evan's mother motivates him to start a new team of underdogs after failing to make the Mighty Ducks junior hockey team. Evan seeks support from his former coach, Gordon Bombay, who is now the team's head coach and helps form a new team.