A three-part (1978–1986) documentary on former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre-Elliott Trudeau, a staunch federalist, and former Quebec Premier René Lévesque, a committed separatist, tracing their parallel political careers from their family and educational backgrounds to their eventual fall from power.
The Champions, Part 1: Unlikely Warriors


Watch The Champions, Part 1: Unlikely Warriors

The documentary series explores the early years of Pierre Elliott Trudeau and René Lévesque, tracing their paths from university days in the 1950s to 1967 when Lévesque left the Liberal Party and Trudeau became the federal Minister of Justice.

The Champions, Part 2: Trappings of Power


Watch The Champions, Part 2: Trappings of Power

A colourful decade unfolds in this documentary series, from 1967 to 1977, as Pierre Elliott Trudeau wins three federal elections, navigates the 1970 October Crisis, and witnesses the rapid ascent of the Parti Québécois.

The Champions background