A young journalist named Charlie Chambers investigates a brutal double-murder...
When the Streetlights Go On
A young girl and teacher were brutally murdered in a small town, sparking panic among its residents.
A young girl and teacher were brutally murdered in a small town, sparking panic among its residents.
A young journalist named Charlie Chambers investigates a brutal double-murder...
The investigation into Chrissy Monroe and Steve Carpenter's murders intensifi...
Charlie scores a breakthrough in his reporting by convincing the newspaper ed...
The excitement of homecoming night unfolds at Colfax High, while Detective Gr...
5. Notes From The Wrong Side of The Tracks
Aired: Apr 8, 2020Casper's secret crush, Becky Monroe, is revealed to be the sister of a girl h...
An unlikely romance develops between Casper, the town's bad boy, and Becky Mo...
A shocking revelation unfolds as Becky opens up to Casper on a late-night str...
A violent confrontation erupts between Brad and Casper at a Halloween party, ...
Becky's return from her isolation sparks a renewed connection with Charlie, b...
10. When The Streetlights Go On
Aired: Apr 15, 2020A new murder rocks the city, disrupting Colfax's fragile recovery. Years late...
Main Cast
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