Hosted by Pat Sajak, this game show features 3 contestants who try to solve a...
Wheel of Fortune
Season 1 Episode 62
Pat Sajak hosts a game show where three contestants spin the wheel and guess letters in a word or phrase to solve a puzzle.
Pat Sajak hosts a game show where three contestants spin the wheel and guess letters in a word or phrase to solve a puzzle.
Hosted by Pat Sajak, this game show features 3 contestants who try to solve a...
Hosted by Pat Sajak, this game show features 3 contestants who try to solve a...
Hosted by Pat Sajak, this game show features 3 contestants who try to solve a...
Hosted by Pat Sajak, this game show features 3 contestants who try to solve a...
Receive encouragement, prayer and support from Kenneth Copeland Ministries, a...
Hosted by Pat Sajak, this game show features 3 contestants who try to solve a...