A team of elite pilots embarks on a mission to Planet Arus to unravel the mys...
Zarkon forges an alliance with King Cova of Pollux, a planet with a centuries-old grudge against Arus, born from the banishment of an Arusian prince for his immoral ways.
A team of elite pilots embarks on a mission to Planet Arus to unravel the mys...
The space explorers embark on a quest to revive Voltron, starting with their ...
The heroes, Keith, Lance, Sven, Hunk, and Pidge, seek Princess Allura's assis...
The team discovers the secret to unlocking the Black Lion's true potential ju...
Keith and his team embark on a mission to find brave civilians on Planet Arus...
The Voltron Force, in a moment of kindness, is distributing food to the needy...
Allura, inspired by the Voltron Force's bravery, decides to join their effort...
Prince Bocar's sudden appearance saves Princess Allura, making him a promisin...
Yurak's fleet destroys a spaceship above Arus, and Hunk saves the pilot, a yo...
Iris, a teenager trained by Haggar as a deadly assassin, ventures out on her ...
The Voltron Force is captured by Yurak, who takes a village hostage, and a yo...
Jai joins forces with Princess Allura and the Voltron Force to rescue his hom...
Princess Allura's Aunt Orla's unexpected visit to the Castle of Lions sparks ...
The Voltron Force celebrates their final victory over Yurak's fleet, only to ...
Princess Allura's unauthorized attempt to pilot the Black Lion puts the entir...
16. Bridge Over the River Chozzerai
Aired: Oct 4, 1984The people of Arus commemorate the completion of a new bridge by reenacting a...
Zarkon forges an alliance with King Cova of Pollux, a planet with a centuries...
Lotor forms an alliance with Zandra, receiving a potion that can mutate plant...
Three curious siblings stumble upon a mysterious castle and decide to embark ...
Pidge's home planet, Balto, is under attack by Zarkon and Lotor's forces, pro...
Romelle and her fellow captives make a daring escape from Lotor's prison, onl...
The poisoned seeds sent by Haggar and Lotor to Arus grow into beautiful plant...
As the next attack on Arus looms, Allura must prioritize royal duties, leavin...
A mysterious group of small robots, disguised as rodents, infiltrate Arus, ca...
25. Short Run of the Centipede Express
Aired: Jan 1, 1984Zarkon is seen testing a mysterious weapon on Moura, a former ally of Arus no...
The Voltron Force is ambushed by a powerful robot fighter granted invisibilit...
The next episode will feature Lotor venturing to the toxic Planet Medusa to a...
28. The Treasure of Planet Tyrus
Aired: Oct 30, 1984Lotor celebrates his birthday on Tyrus, anticipating the arrival of a shipmen...
The Robeast, created by Haggar, brings a devastating drought to Arus by exhal...
Lotor is given a chance to choose his own destiny, and he surprisingly turns ...
31. The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Aired: Oct 31, 1984Lotor's attempt to seize Zarkon's power by defeating him in combat ends in fa...
32. A Transplant for Blue Lion
Aired: Nov 15, 1984The Blue Lion is destroyed, prompting Zarkon to urge Lotor to launch an immed...
33. Attack of the Fierce Frogs
Aired: Nov 8, 1984The evil Haggar unleashes a swarm of miniature-robots, disguised as tadpoles,...
The next episode will feature a severe storm brought on by Lotor, prompting t...
35. Doom Boycotts the Space Olympics
Aired: Oct 29, 1984The Space Olympics are coming to Arus, and the planet's success is largely at...
Zarkon's frustration with Lotor's failures leads him to take personal control...
During a visit to Lotor's former training academy, he and Zarkon narrowly avo...
Lotor unleashes a wave of terror on Arus by deploying Haggar's small, human-l...
The Omega Comet, a destructive force, is taken control of by Haggar and aimed...
Bandor's efforts to contact the Voltron Force yield no response as he stays n...
41. There Will Be a Royal Wedding
Aired: Oct 24, 1984A young, wild-eyed man rescues Romelle from the Pit of Skulls, alerting her t...
The next episode will feature Lotor establishing a stronghold on the Sand Pla...
Lotor is tasked with conquering a newly discovered planet, anticipating Voltr...
The unclaimed planet of Yadle secedes from Zarkon's control and readies to ce...
Zarkon's sinister plan unfolds as he prepares to harness a massive amount of ...
Space mice prepare for their next battle against Haggar's blue cat, with Pidg...
The leaders of five planets gather to form a united defense against Zarkon, b...
A sudden crisis arises when Allura's communication with Chemara's moon Cryo i...
The Voltron Force strategically disengage from battle just as the Polsar Cano...
Zarkon's frustration boils over as he arrests Lotor for his string of defeats...
Voltron is on a mission to put an end to Zarkon's tyranny, as Lotor, now self...
The Voltron Force and their allies gear up to take down Castle Doom, Lotor's ...
Seasons: 2
Network: Syndication
Production Country: United States
It is also possible to rent or buy on AppleTV, Amazon, Google Play, VUDU, YouTube online.