Next episode, the band faces a series of challenges as Breeze struggles to le...
Turn Up the Volume
Teenagers at a weekly music camp form a band as they find that music and friendship empower them to define themselves independently.
Teenagers at a weekly music camp form a band as they find that music and friendship empower them to define themselves independently.
Next episode, the band faces a series of challenges as Breeze struggles to le...
Vivi faces a new challenge when she becomes the target of an online bullying ...
The Volume struggles to craft a song, prompting Hex to suggest they write sep...
Vivi pushes the band to land their first gig, emphasizing the importance of r...
5. Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go To The Party
Aired: Apr 21, 2023The band faces a high-stakes debut gig at Leo's party, with Vivi hyped, Breez...
The band is in disarray, making a performance for the Footsgroovia selection ...
The Volume's hopes are crushed when they fail to secure a spot at the prestig...
The Volume concocts a last-ditch plan to boost their fame by performing on th...
As the band prepares for their debut performance, tension runs high among the...
The long-awaited festival day is here, but chaos ensues as everything that ca...