1. Jenna and Guillaume's Adventure House-on-Wheels
Aired: Dec 14, 2014The next episode of "Tiny House Nation" follows Jenna and Guillaume as they e...
In the next episode, a unique tiny house project unfolds as Charles and Dakota transform a bus into a cozy living space, complete with a fold-out desk perfect for working and a serene yoga studio.
1. Jenna and Guillaume's Adventure House-on-Wheels
Aired: Dec 14, 2014The next episode of "Tiny House Nation" follows Jenna and Guillaume as they e...
2. Derek and Mary's Little House on the Prairie
Aired: Dec 14, 2014In the next episode, a couple embarks on a unique project by hiring a skilled...
3. Tiny House with Special Creature Comforts
Aired: Jul 6, 2015The next episode of "Tiny House Nation" follows Trevor and Mary as they embar...
The next episode follows Trevor and Mary as they embark on an exciting projec...
5. Chloe and Brandon's Modern-Day Gypsy Wagon
Aired: Jul 13, 2015In the next episode, a creative duo sets out to construct a unique tiny home ...
6. Jewel Pearson's Tiny House Gem
Aired: Jul 13, 2015In the next episode, Jewel creates an opulent tiny house boasting a spacious ...
7. Kris and Betty's Colorado Cottage-on-Wheels
Aired: Jul 20, 2015In the next episode, Kris, a talented artist, and Betty, a skilled hair styli...
8. Mark & Angela's Tiny Road House
Aired: Jul 20, 2015In the next episode, a couple embarks on a unique adventure, seeking a tiny h...
9. Charles and Dakota's Tiny Bus House
Aired: Jul 27, 2015In the next episode, a unique tiny house project unfolds as Charles and Dakot...
10. Jenn Baxter's Decked Out Tiny House
Aired: Jul 27, 2017In the next episode, Jenn's tiny house is featured, showcasing its unique des...
11. Austin and Kaytyln's Kansas City Tiny House
Aired: Aug 3, 2015Austin and Kaytlyn Averill, a newlywed couple, are leaving their spacious 120...
12. Jarrod and Ali's Tiny Winery Homes
Aired: Aug 3, 2015Two teams of builders are tasked with designing and building the most incredi...
13. Alex and Lance's Amazing Unfoldable Tiny House
Aired: Sep 14, 2015In the next episode, Alex and Lance embark on a creative challenge as they de...
14. Rob's Eco-Living Tiny House
Aired: Sep 14, 2015In the next episode, industrial designer Rob Irwin showcases his innovative d...
Current Status: Ended
Network: HGTV
Production Country: United States