1. Flying Aired: Nov 16, 1969 Major Clanger builds a flying machine, and Tiny Clanger gets stuck at the top...
3. Chicken Aired: Nov 30, 1969 The Clangers build some fireworks, one of which collides with a passing Iron ...
7. Fishing Aired: Jan 11, 1970 The Clangers build a flying music boat, and Major Clanger goes fishing in it.
10. The Hoot Aired: Feb 1, 1970 A noisy metal creature is retrieved from space, disturbing the Clangers' peace.
11. The Meeting Aired: Feb 8, 1970 More Hoots arrive, and seem upset that the first Hoot has changed.
13. Goods Aired: Feb 22, 1970 A machine that makes plastic items is assembled, but cannot be turned off.