Tommy and the babies embark on a thrilling rescue mission to aid Chuckie, who...
Season 1 Episode 33: House Broken
Tommy and the babies must band together to restore order to the house after Stu's mishap with Duffy causes chaos.
Tommy and the babies must band together to restore order to the house after Stu's mishap with Duffy causes chaos.
Tommy and the babies embark on a thrilling rescue mission to aid Chuckie, who...
Tommy and his friends must band together to protect their beloved toys from a...
Tommy's world is turned upside down when his parents introduce a new furry fr...
A new robot dog invention by Tommy's dad brings excitement to Chuckie and Cha...
In the next episode, Phil finds himself unwittingly caught in the middle of a...
Tommy and Chuckie are forced to play a game of house when Angelica takes adva...
Tommy and the babies embark on a mission to care for what Chuckie believes is...
Tommy and his friends bring the excitement of a beloved event to Grandpa's ba...
The arrival of Angelica's new talking doll sends shockwaves through the group...
Angelica must learn to adapt to a new reality without her beloved Cynthia car...
Tommy and his friends face a new challenge as Angelica discovers a way to get...
Tommy and the babies embark on a mission to free Chas's earworm, a catchy tun...
As Tommy and Chuckie explore their shared passion for music, they must naviga...
Angelica's mischievous use of phone face filters leads Susie to believe she's...
15. The Future Maker/Goodbye Reptar
Aired: Oct 7, 2021In the next episode, Angelica's mischief escalates when she uses her phone's ...
Tommy's grandparents surprise him by bringing to life his favorite TV charact...
In the next episode, Angelica assumes the role of the all-powerful Goddess of...
Tommy and Chuckie's bond is put to the test when Angelica suggests their diff...
At a sci-fi movie convention, the Rugrats gang, accompanied by their dads, em...
The sisters-in-law Susie and Angelica are at odds over how to utilize their n...
Tommy and his friends embark on a thrilling adventure to uncover the truth be...
Tommy and his friends embark on a thrilling adventure to rescue Angelica from...
Tommy convinces Chuckie to take the babies on a big-kid adventure after a mys...
Tommy and his friends must band together to rescue Angelica after she transfo...
Tommy's first Hanukkah coincides with Christmas Eve, prompting the Pickles fa...
Chuckie's triumph over a vacuum monster sparks a newfound confidence, leading...
Tommy's beloved teddy bear vanishes, prompting Angelica to take on the role o...
The discovery of a peculiar beeping noise sparks suspicion among Susie and th...
Angelica's online popularity takes a hit when a video of her sharing goes vir...
Susie embarks on a perilous journey through the cosmos, confronting her deepe...
Chuckie's surprising talent for gardening is revealed when Angelica carelessl...
Phil notices a shift in how his friends interact with him and Lil now that th...
Tommy and the babies must band together to restore order to the house after S...
Angelica's school carnival takes an unexpected turn when she uses Tommy as a ...
Spells and specters begin to haunt the Pickles' home when Twinkle, Phil and L...
Angelica embarks on a thrilling adventure to retrieve her beloved Cynthia dol...
The babies and Angelica start their own mini-hive, while Randy and Lucy work ...
Angelica teams up with the babies to search for their parents' secret phones ...
Tommy and Chuckie embark on an adventure to uncover the truth about a mysteri...
In the next episode, Tommy and the babies embark on an exciting adventure wit...
The unexpected friendship between Angelica and Chuckie takes a creative turn ...
The arrival of a mischievous new pet cat sends shockwaves through the town, a...
Angelica becomes jealous of Susie's artistic talent, which is stealing her ow...
In the next episode, Tommy and his friends are revitalized with a unique new ...
Main Cast
Guest Starring