1. Las lecciones de Doña Enelia
Aired: May 28, 2012Pablo's entrepreneurial spirit is evident from a young age, and as he matures...
The next episode of the series takes a dramatic turn as it jumps back in time to reveal the childhood of the main character, growing up in Valle de Aburra, Colombia, before the tragic events that unfold in the present.
1. Las lecciones de Doña Enelia
Aired: May 28, 2012Pablo's entrepreneurial spirit is evident from a young age, and as he matures...
Pablo turns to the cocaine trade after serving time for theft, buying a farm ...
The next episode of the series will delve into the consequences of Pablo and ...
4. Pablo se entrega a las autoridades
Aired: May 31, 2012Pablo's Drug Empire Expands: With his new planes, Pablo's cocaine shipments a...
5. Pablo y Gonzalo inauguran la hacienda 'Napoles'
Aired: Jun 1, 2012Pablo Escobar's ambitious project, Hacienda Nápoles, takes shape, while the s...
6. Una nueva fuerza armada nace
Aired: Jun 4, 2012The leaders of the organization convene to discuss the extradition treaty aft...
7. Pablo Escobar tiene su primer encuentro con la política
Aired: Jun 5, 2012Pablo is struck by the immense power of politicians and begins to consider a ...
8. Pablo Escobar quiere ser miembro del Congreso de la República
Aired: Jun 6, 2012Pablo's political aspirations are met with resistance from some of his partne...
9. Paty por poco descubre las andanzas de Pablo
Aired: Jun 7, 2012Pablo and Galán emerge victorious from the election, but Pablo's triumph is s...
10. A Escobar se le facilita su incursión en la política
Aired: Jun 8, 2012Pablo Escobar assumes the role of president, and in a bold move, appoints Rod...
11. Regina Parejo aparece en la vida de Pablo Escobar
Aired: Jun 12, 2012A stunning journalist crashes a celebration at Escobar's hacienda, becoming a...
12. Escobar es elegido como 'honorable' representante a la Cámara
Aired: Jun 13, 2012Pablo Escobar's political influence grows as he becomes a member of Colombia'...
13. Escobar busca ser el 'Robin Hood criollo'
Aired: Jun 14, 2012Pablo Escobar's reputation as a hero to the poor earns him the nickname "Creo...
14. Un duro debate pone en jaque a Rodrigo Lara
Aired: Jun 15, 2012In the next episode, Jiménez uncovers the truth behind Rodrigo's shocking mur...
15. Galán le pide una explicación a Lara
Aired: Jun 19, 2012Luis Carlos Galán demands the Minister of Justice provide him with a recordin...
16. El Ministro sorprende al país con sus declaraciones
Aired: Jun 20, 2012Rodrigo Lara's shocking revelation sends the nation into a frenzy as he publi...
17. La Policía desmantela Tranquilandia
Aired: Jun 21, 2012A major operation against drug trafficking yields a significant victory as po...
18. Pablo Escobar emprende su venganza
Aired: Jun 22, 2012The mastermind of darkness seeks revenge against those who have exposed his c...
19. Atentado acaba con la vida de Rodrigo Lara
Aired: Jun 25, 2012The next episode of Narcos: Mexico delves into the shocking murder of Rodrigo...
20. El magnicidio de Lara causa conmoción en el país
Aired: Jun 26, 2012The series follows Pablo Escobar's life journey, from his childhood in Valle ...
21. Tras las huellas de los criminales
Aired: Jun 27, 2012The next episode of the series will feature Byron facing intense pressure to ...
22. Pablo y Gonzalo llegan a Panamá
Aired: Jun 28, 2012Pablo Escobar and Gonzalo Gaviria, on the run from Colombian authorities, sec...
23. Escobar no se sale con la suya
Aired: Jun 29, 2012The series chronicles the life of a character from his childhood in Valle de ...
24. En busca de 'protección' y aliados
Aired: Jul 3, 2012Pablo Escobar's reign of terror takes a shocking turn as he begins to forge a...
25. A Escobar sus propios hombres lo empiezan a traicionar
Aired: Jul 4, 2012Harry Beal, a pilot working for Pablo Escobar's organization, secretly gather...
26. Prueba reina definiría la extradición
Aired: Jul 5, 2012The US government builds a case against Colombian drug lords for their allege...
27. El MR-2O ejecuta la Toma del Palacio de Justicia
Aired: Jul 6, 2012The guerrilla group, backed by Pablo Escobar's financial and military resourc...
28. Ola de terror en contra de jueces
Aired: Jul 9, 2012The assassination of the judge in the Rodrigo Lara case sends shockwaves, whi...
29. La policía, tras las huellas de Herber
Aired: Jul 10, 2012The police suddenly appear at the farm where Marcos Herber has been hiding, c...
30. Asesinan al Magistrado Zuluaga
Aired: Jul 11, 2012Pablo Escobar's men took the life of Magistrate Zuluaga, who had been repeate...
31. Jiménez se protege ante las amenazas
Aired: Jul 12, 2012Colonel Escobar boosts personal security and safeguards his loved ones in res...
32. Declaran inexequible la extradición
Aired: Jul 13, 2012The Supreme Court's decision to declare the extradition of drug traffickers t...
33. 'Los extraditables' buscan la manera de ser juzgados en Colombia
Aired: Jul 16, 2012The series chronicles the life and death of a character, beginning and ending...
34. En busca de la prueba reina
Aired: Jul 17, 2012The series spans a lifetime, from a child's innocence in Valle de Aburra, Col...
35. Atentan contra el corresponsal de El Espectador
Aired: Jul 18, 2012The journalist in Leticia is silenced by Pablo Escobar, leaving Guillermo and...
36. El Coronel Jiménez corre peligro
Aired: Jul 19, 2012A break with his family turns into a desperate fight for survival as the Poli...
37. Muere vilmente el Coronel Jiménez
Aired: Jul 23, 2012The next episode sees the brutal murder of Colonel Jiménez, orchestrated by P...
38. El país, horrorizado con la muerte del Coronel Jiménez
Aired: Jul 24, 2012The series follows Pablo Escobar's dramatic final moments as he is killed by ...
39. La policía inspecciona la Hacienda Nápoles
Aired: Jul 25, 2012The next episode follows Pablo Escobar's desperate attempt to evade capture a...
40. La vida de Cano está en peligro
Aired: Jul 26, 2012The series chronicles Pablo Escobar's life, from his childhood in Valle de Ab...
41. Guillermo Cano es asesinado
Aired: Jul 27, 2012The nation and journalism community are plunged into grief as Pablo Escobar's...
42. El país llora la muerte de Cano
Aired: Jul 30, 2012The story starts and ends with the protagonist's intense final moments as he'...
43. La prensa rechaza el asesinato de Cano
Aired: Jul 31, 2012The country's media outlets come to a standstill in protest of the murder of ...
The notorious Pablo Escobar-led organization strikes again, this time targeti...
45. Escobar quiere asesinar a Herber
Aired: Aug 2, 2012Next episode, Pablo Escobar brings in two deadly new associates to take out M...
46. A Escobar le conviene tener vivo a Herber
Aired: Aug 3, 2012Pablo Escobar offers Marcos Herber a surprising reprieve, choosing not to exe...
47. Marcos Herber es capturado por la policía
Aired: Aug 6, 2012The treacherous betrayal: Pablo Escobar's shocking turn against Marcos Herber...
48. Escobar burla a las autoridades
Aired: Aug 8, 2012The authorities launch a surprise operation at Pablo Escobar's home, but his ...
49. Escobar 'vende' a sus propios hombres
Aired: Aug 9, 2012The series chronicles Pablo Escobar's life, from his childhood in Valle de Ab...
50. Mauricio, muy cerca de descubrir la traición de Pablo
Aired: Aug 10, 2012In the next episode, Marcia embarks on a quest to locate Hernán, teaming up w...
51. Escobar le entrega un 'falso positivo' a Pedregal
Aired: Aug 13, 2012Colonel Pedregal secures the body of Pablo Correa to deceive the institution,...
52. Escobar anuncia una nueva guerra
Aired: Aug 14, 2012The series chronicles the life of a man from his childhood in Valle de Aburra...
53. Explotan petardos en Drogas El Rebajón
Aired: Aug 15, 2012The next episode of the series takes a dramatic turn as the protagonist's lif...
Next episode, a notorious drug trafficker from the Medellín Cartel is caught ...
55. El Cartel de Cali prepara un atentado contra Escobar
Aired: Aug 17, 2012The Cali Cartel's Gerardo Carrera seeks revenge against Pablo Escobar, planni...
56. El 'Marino' asesina a Yesenia
Aired: Aug 21, 2012The series opens with a dramatic scene of Pablo Escobar's final moments, as h...
57. Motoa es dejado en libertad
Aired: Aug 22, 2012A prison riot erupts at La Modelo, distracting the authorities, as Pedro Moto...
58. Atentan contra Pablo Escobar y su familia
Aired: Aug 23, 2012The series opens with a dramatic scene of Pablo Escobar's final moments, as h...
59. Escobar no deja que su cabeza tenga precio
Aired: Aug 24, 2012A car bomb is set up by Gerardo Carrera's men, targeting Escobar's family res...
60. Secuestran a Andrés Pastrana
Aired: Aug 27, 2012Pablo Escobar orchestrates the abduction of Andrés Pastrana, a move driven by...
61. Escobar le da la cara a Pastrana
Aired: Aug 28, 2012The candidate for Mayor of Bogotá finally meets with Pablo Escobar, who revea...
62. La guerra se recrudece entre el Estado y los narcos
Aired: Aug 29, 2012The series chronicles Pablo Escobar's life, from his childhood in Valle de Ab...
63. Anuncian el asesinato del Procurador General de la Nación
Aired: Aug 30, 2012The series spans the life of its protagonist, culminating in his fatal encoun...
64. La furia y los celos, los peores enemigos de Escobar
Aired: Aug 31, 2012Pablo Escobar tries to find a political and legal way out of extradition, tea...
65. Pablo Escobar desata toda su ira
Aired: Sep 3, 2012The next episode follows Pablo Escobar's dramatic final moments as he's kille...
66. Diana Turbay muere en su rescate
Aired: Sep 4, 2012The series unfolds with a dramatic flashback to Pablo Escobar's childhood in ...
67. Nuevas víctimas del terror de Pablo Escobar
Aired: Sep 5, 2012The next episode of the series takes a dramatic turn as it jumps back in time...
68. Colonel Quintana has no output
Aired: Sep 6, 2012The series chronicles Pablo Escobar's life, from his childhood in Valle de Ab...
69. El Cartel de Cali quiere 'negociar' con Escobar
Aired: Sep 7, 2012The series chronicles Pablo Escobar's life, from his childhood in Valle de Ab...
70. Despite the warnings, decides to go to Soacha Galan
Aired: Sep 10, 2012The series explores the life of a character from his childhood in Valle de Ab...
71. Entrega de 'Peluche' y alias 'Marino'
Aired: Sep 12, 2012The series takes a dramatic turn as it opens and closes with Pablo Escobar's ...
72. The country is shocked with the loss of this brave
Aired: Sep 13, 2012The series chronicles Pablo Escobar's life, from his childhood in Valle de Ab...
73. Los 'Pepes' atentan contra la familia Escobar
Aired: Sep 14, 2012The authorities are determined to take down Pablo Escobar and the Medellín Ca...
The series chronicles Pablo Escobar's life, from his childhood in Valle de Ab...
75. Atentan contra El Espectador
Aired: Sep 18, 2012The country's most influential newspaper falls victim to Pablo Escobar's brut...
76. El Espectador sigue adelante
Aired: Sep 19, 2012The newspaper El Espectador, despite the devastating attack, perseveres in it...
77. Cae el primer miembro de la familia de Escobar
Aired: Sep 20, 2012The Medellín Cartel's notorious leader faces a devastating setback as authori...
78. Escobar ordena dos grandes atentados
Aired: Sep 21, 2012The boss seeks vengeance against the authorities and innocent civilians after...
79. Peraza recibe un sobre bomba
Aired: Sep 24, 2012Next episode, Pablo Escobar's sinister plan takes a drastic turn as he sends ...
80. Un cruel y atroz atentado conmociona a Colombia
Aired: Sep 25, 2012A devastating commercial plane explosion in mid-air sends shockwaves across t...
81. Atentan contra el edificio del DAI
Aired: Sep 26, 2012A homeless man is unwittingly coerced into driving the bus bomb to its destin...
82. El 'narcoterrorismo' no triunfará
Aired: Sep 27, 2012The President considers a negotiated solution to the conflict with Pablo Esco...
83. El grupo élite, tras las huellas del 'Mariachi'
Aired: Sep 28, 2012The Mariachi and his elite team escape to a Caribbean island, pursued by thos...
84. El Grupo élite y el 'Mariachi' se enfrentan
Aired: Oct 1, 2012The final showdown between authorities and the drug trafficker's gang unfolds...
85. Las autoridades dan de baja al 'Mariachi'
Aired: Oct 2, 2012The elite Group eliminates the second most wanted drug trafficker in the coun...
86. Escobar envía un mensaje al Gobierno
Aired: Oct 3, 2012Iván Lopera negotiates with Pablo to secure the release of Bedoya's son, usin...
87. 'Los extraditables' aceptan el llamado de paz
Aired: Oct 4, 2012The group "Los extraditables" agrees to surrender to the National Government'...
88. Cancelan las negociaciones de paz
Aired: Oct 5, 2012The peace negotiations between the Government and "The extraditable" come to ...
89. Escobar le pone precio a los policías
Aired: Oct 8, 2012Pablo Escobar returns to Medellín, driven by a desire for revenge against the...
90. Cae otro candidato presidencial
Aired: Oct 9, 2012In the next episode, a prominent Colombian presidential candidate, Bernardo J...
91. Escobar emprende la guerra contra Pabón
Aired: Oct 10, 2012Pablo Escobar's $100,000 bounty for Martin Pabón's head is announced, as the ...
92. Escobar revela las intenciones de las Autodefensas
Aired: Oct 11, 2012Aguirre uncovers a web of deceit at the institution, revealing that Lieutenan...
93. Atentan contra Pizano, ponen Precio a la cabeza de Pablo Escobar
Aired: Oct 17, 2012A plane carrying presidential candidate Diego Pizano is hijacked, and he's sh...
94. Pabón recibe una 'jugosa' propuesta
Aired: Oct 18, 2012The 'Chili' learns he's been discovered and flees to hide with his sister, wh...
95. Cae el 'Chili', la mano derecha de Escobar
Aired: Oct 19, 2012The loyal henchman of the notorious "Patron of Evil" is finally released from...
96. Las autoridades, cada vez más cerca de Escobar
Aired: Oct 22, 2012Pablo Escobar flees into the jungle, pursued by the authorities. Can they tra...
97. Luego de varios días en la selva, Pablo decide atacar desde Cali
Aired: Oct 23, 2012The notorious 'El patron del mal' starts to unravel, altering his sinister pl...
98. Gonzalo Gaviria cae en enfrentamiento con el grupo élite
Aired: Oct 24, 2012The authorities, responsible for capturing the Medellín Cartel leaders, inter...
99. Diana Turbay cae en las garras de Pablo Escobar
Aired: Oct 25, 2012A journalist is duped by disguised representatives of the "boss of evil", who...
100. Turbay es secuestrada por orden de Escobar
Aired: Oct 26, 2012Journalist Diana Turbay uncovers a shocking truth amidst her growing anxiety,...
101. Maruja y Berenice, víctimas del 'patrón del mal'
Aired: Oct 29, 2012The country is plagued by a series of kidnappings, with Maruja and her sister...
103. Diana Turbay muere en su rescate
Aired: Oct 31, 2012The police receive crucial information from Pantoja, leading them to the farm...
104. Un sacerdote será intermediario para la paz
Aired: Nov 1, 2012Father Herrera implores God to send a sign guiding him towards the best cours...
105. Escobar planea entregarse
Aired: Nov 2, 2012The patron of evil sets Maruja Pachón and Fernán Santana free, paving the way...
106. Escobar se entrega a las autoridades
Aired: Nov 6, 2012Escobar's hopes of surrendering fade away as a priest intervenes, prompting h...
107. El Cartel de Cali quiere 'negociar' con Escobar
Aired: Nov 7, 2012Mauricio Restrepo arranges a meeting with the González brothers, representati...
108. Escobar sigue delinquiendo desde La Catedral
Aired: Nov 8, 2012The government takes decisive action to counter Pablo Escobar's illegal activ...
109. El Gobierno autoriza la creación de un Bloque de Búsqueda
Aired: Nov 9, 2012Pablo Escobar's growing paranoia drives him to uncover the identity of his ne...
110. Entrega de Peluche y alias Marino
Aired: Nov 13, 2012The series chronicles Pablo Escobar's life, jumping between his final moments...
111. Escobar se despide de su familia y entra en depresión
Aired: Nov 15, 2012Escobar is informed by 'El Cítrico' that news reports have revealed the disch...
112. Los 'Pepes' atentan contra la familia Escobar
Aired: Nov 16, 2012Next episode, "Los pepes" launch a brutal attack on the loved ones of Pablo E...
The notorious Colombian drug lord is brought to a dramatic end as he's surrou...
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