An escape is made from a French Prison Camp with the news that the French Arm...
While scouting French army positions, Rogers is shot. He manages to elude his pursuers and floats downstream unconscious until his canoe is recovered by an old woman skilled in herbs and poultices who recently escaped from Indian...
An escape is made from a French Prison Camp with the news that the French Arm...
Major Rogers plans for a decisive blow against the French army are thwarted w...
Maj. Rogers, Sgt. Marriner and Ens. Towne are captured by a French patrol and...
During the Rangers attack on Montreal in 1760, Rogers is injured when a wall ...
Rogers and Marriner meet the Martin family while on a scouting trip. The Huro...
A bounty hunter reports that the Mohegans, an Indian tribe who were previousl...
Sir Martin Stanley is determined to avenge himself upon Major Rogers and his ...
Maj. Rogers, Sgt. Marriner and Ens. Towne dine at a local tavern, and when th...
The French capture a British spy upon Quebec's Plains of Abraham and are conv...
Two escaped convicts break into a trapper's cabin. While the man is sleeping,...
When a local trapper is robbed and murdered, suspicion immediately falls on a...
While scouting French army positions, Rogers is shot. He manages to elude his...
Rogers must learn why his men are being killed and stripped of their uniforms...
Major Robert Rogers and his Sgt. Hunk are assigned to pursue Pvt. Tom Jason w...