An organization dedicated to eradicating war named Celestial Being, begins de...
Season 1 Episodes:
As the world reacts with confusion to Celestial Being's announcement, the Gun...
The Union ace pilot Graham Aker confronts Setsuna as he leaves Ceylon. In Tok...
The Human Reform League holds a memorial service for the soldiers whose lives...
Princess Marina leaves Azadistan and begins a worldwide diplomatic tour to se...
Celestial Being's activities have reduced the level of conflict in the world,...
During Celestial Being's intervention in Moralia, Setsuna has been reunited w...
An international terror network has begun a campaign of bombing attacks in or...
9. The Dignity of a Great Nation
Aired: Dec 1, 2007Four months have now passed since Celestial Being began its armed interventio...
In Earth orbit, Sergei's mobile suit team continues its attack on the Ptolema...
In the aftermath of the orbital battle, the Human Reform League's scientists ...
12. Towards the End of Doctrine
Aired: Dec 22, 2007Although Princess Marina has secured assistance from the United Nations for h...
Setsuna's actions have prevented a coup d'etat in the Kingdom of Azadistan, b...
The three superpower blocs begin planning a massive joint military exercise w...
The Union, Human Reform League, and AEU begin their joint military exercise i...
On the brink of defeat, the Gundam Meisters have been rescued by the interven...
The Ptolemaios crew return to space for a rendezvous with Team Trinity. When ...
Team Trinity continues its campaign of armed intervention. Unlike Setsuna and...
Having determined that Team Trinity itself is promoting conflict, Setsuna con...
A mysterious benefactor has provided the three superpower blocs with a new we...
The United Nations forces have deployed their new weapon, a mobile suit model...
The United Nations reveals the existence of the GN-X to the world, and announ...
Alejandro Corner and Ribbons Almark have forced their way into the heart of V...
Despite the loss of Lockon, the Ptolemaios crew are united in their determina...
The Celestial Being mothership Ptolemaios has been destroyed, and most of the...
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