After serving eleven years in prison for the murder of his former nemesis, Ma...
Captured by his mortal enemy, Brigadier Commander Enos Queeth, MacGruber must...
MacGruber and the gang race to retrieve the deadly chemical weapon "Brimstone...
MacGruber and the gang hatch a daring plan to go undercover at a gala in Miam...
Vicki almost gets "Brimstone" out of the hands of the scientist, Irina Polisk...
With the team in shambles, MacGruber attacks Queeth's massive compound to get...
The evil plan Queeth set into motion is still alive; MacGruber must find out ...
With the team back together, all roads lead to the mysterious "Havencroft"; M...
Main Cast
MacGruber Videos
The Greatest Man To Ever Walk Planet Earth | Official Music Video
Exclusive Jailhouse Interview With MacGruber [Explicit]
Exclusive Jailhouse Interview With MacGruber
Series Announcement
Info about MacGruber
Current Status: Canceled
Network: Peacock
Production Country: United States
MacGruber: Where to Watch Online?
It is also possible to rent or buy on AppleTV, Windows Store, Amazon, VUDU online.