Yu becomes captivated by the world of school idols after witnessing a mesmeri...
Season 1 Episodes:
Kasumi's determination to revive the School Idol Club leads her to take bold ...
Next episode, the School Idol Club alumni confront the student council presid...
The School Idol Club welcomes Ai and Rina, and the members are thrilled with ...
5. Something I Can Only Do Right Now
Aired: Oct 31, 2020The entire school decides to create their own PVs as solo idols to showcase t...
Rina seeks to overcome her struggles with communication by taking a bold step...
Kanata's sister, Haruka, a school idol at Shinonome Academy, drops by her clu...
Shizuku secures the starring part in a collaborative school play, but is unex...
The Nijigasaki High School Idol Club is thrilled to be performing at Diver Fe...
The School Idol Club gears up for a summer training camp at their school, mar...
11. Everyone's Dream, My Dream
Aired: Dec 12, 2020The school idol club works together to overcome the remaining obstacles befor...
The school idol festival preparations press on, but Yu's focus is elsewhere a...
13. School Idol Festival (The Place Where Everyone's Dreams Come True)
Aired: Dec 26, 2020The school idol festival kicks off with each of the girls taking the stage to...
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Main Cast
Info about Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
Seasons: 2
Current Status: Ended
Network: Tokyo MX
Production Country: Japan
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club: Where to Watch Online?
It is also possible to rent or buy on AppleTV, Windows Store, Amazon online.