1. Heat
Aired: Jan 3, 2005King Arthur and Léodagan are trapped in the forest, desperate to escape the e...
2. Les tartes aux myrtilles
Aired: Jan 4, 2005Forced to confront an unpalatable culinary disaster, Arthur, Guinevere, and L...
3. La table de Breccan
Aired: Jan 5, 2005The legendary Round Table, commissioned by King Arthur himself, has finally t...
4. Le chevalier mystère
Aired: Jan 6, 2005The legendary King Arthur and his esteemed Knights of the Round Table gather ...
5. Le fléau de Dieu
Aired: Jan 7, 2005King Arthur, Léodagan, and Bohort enter into tense negotiations with Attila t...
6. Le garde du corps
Aired: Jan 8, 2005King Arthur's quest for peace is within reach, but his newfound security come...
7. Des nouvelles du monde
Aired: Jan 9, 2005A dinner guest's poetic tribute to their host is surprisingly off-key.
8. Codes et stratégies
Aired: Jan 10, 2005King Arthur's troops are failing to respond to his commands from a strategic ...
9. Le maître d'armes
Aired: Jan 3, 2005King Arthur's fencing master relentlessly belittles him, but surprisingly, th...
10. Le négociateur
Aired: Jan 12, 2005King Arthur's stronghold, Kaamelott, is besieged, and Bohort's questionable a...
11. Dîner dansant
Aired: Jan 3, 2005A chaotic scene unfolds at the Kaamelott family diner, where everyone's sense...
12. Le sixième sens
Aired: Jan 14, 2005The Lady of the Lake summons King Arthur, Perceval, and Karadoc to the Round ...
13. Arthur et la question
Aired: Jan 15, 2005In the next episode, Léodagan's interrogation attempts are met with silence, ...
14. Monogame
Aired: Jan 16, 2005King Arthur declines to criminalize polygamy.
15. Les défis de Merlin
Aired: Jan 17, 2005A powerful sorcerer from a distant land challenges Merlin's authority, sparki...
16. Le banquet des chefs
Aired: Jan 18, 2005The kingdom of Camelot is bustling with activity as everyone pitches in to pr...
17. Le signe
Aired: Jan 19, 2005A mysterious crow is discovered at the king's doorstep, prompting him to seek...
18. En forme de Graal
Aired: Jan 20, 2005A fierce discussion erupts among the Knights of the Round Table as they passi...
19. Le repos du guerrier
Aired: Jan 21, 2005The King's emotional state is influenced by his romantic encounters, with his...
20. La dent de requin
Aired: Jan 22, 2005In the next episode, Perceval and Karadoc embark on a mission to retrieve a s...
21. La taxe militaire
Aired: Jan 23, 2005A nobleman, previously thought to be deceased, appears at Camelot, expressing...
22. La queue du scorpion
Aired: Jan 24, 2005The next episode will feature Grüdu on high alert after learning that the Rom...
23. La potion de fécondité
Aired: Jan 25, 2005In the next episode, Seli's quest for an heir leads her to seek the help of M...
24. L'interprète
Aired: Jan 3, 2005The Burgundian king arrives with an interpreter, offering Arthur valuable gui...
25. Le sacrifice
Aired: Jan 27, 200526. À la volette
Aired: Jan 28, 2005Arthur is plagued by an earworm that disrupts his focus and concentration, ca...
27. De retour de Judée
Aired: Jan 29, 2005Next episode, Dagonet returns from the Holy Land, bringing with him a treasur...
28. La botte secrète
Aired: Jan 30, 2005In the next episode, Karadoc shares a mysterious tactic with Perceval, instru...
29. L'assassin de Kaamelott
Aired: Jan 3, 200530. Le trois de coeur
Aired: Jan 3, 2005Arthur's peaceful slumber is disrupted when he's forced to share a bed with D...
31. Basidiomycètes
Aired: Feb 2, 2005As the sun rises over the war-torn landscape, the weary soldiers gather aroun...
32. L'imposteur
Aired: Jan 3, 2005The next episode of the series will feature Arthur's unexpected return from a...
33. Compagnon de chambrée
Aired: Feb 4, 2005In the next episode, Arthur's unexpected return home finds him sharing a bed ...
34. La grotte de Padraig
Aired: Feb 5, 2005In the next episode, the heroes embark on a perilous journey to slay a fearso...
35. Ambidextrie
Aired: Feb 6, 2005Perceval challenges the conventional understanding of directions, arguing tha...
36. Raison d'argent
Aired: Jan 3, 200537. La romance de Lancelot
Aired: Feb 8, 200538. Merlin et les loups
Aired: Feb 9, 200539. Le cas Yvain
Aired: Feb 10, 200540. L'adoubement
Aired: Jan 3, 200541. Arthur et les ténèbres
Aired: Feb 12, 200542. Le zoomorphe
Aired: Feb 13, 200543. La coccinelle de Madenn
Aired: Feb 14, 200544. Patience dans la plaine
Aired: Feb 15, 200545. Le oud
Aired: Feb 16, 200546. Le code de chevalerie
Aired: Feb 17, 200547. Létal
Aired: Feb 18, 200548. Azénor
Aired: Feb 19, 200549. Le sort de rage
Aired: Feb 20, 200550. Les nouveaux frères
Aired: Feb 21, 200551. Enluminures
Aired: Feb 22, 200552. Haunted
Aired: Feb 23, 200553. Le secret de Lancelot
Aired: Feb 24, 200554. Le serpent géant
Aired: Feb 25, 200555. Guenièvre et les oiseaux
Aired: Feb 26, 200556. Le dernier empereur
Aired: Feb 27, 200557. Perceval relance de quinze
Aired: Feb 28, 200558. Le coup d'épée
Aired: Jan 3, 200559. La jupe de Calogrenant
Aired: Mar 2, 200560. Le prodige du fakir
Aired: Mar 3, 200561. Un bruit dans la nuit
Aired: Mar 4, 200562. Feu l'âne de Guethenoc
Aired: Jan 3, 2005In the next episode, tensions rise as Guethenoc accuses Roparzh of brutally m...
63. Goustan le cruel
Aired: Mar 6, 200564. Le chaudron rutilant
Aired: Mar 7, 200565. La visite D'Ygerne
Aired: Mar 8, 200566. Les clandestins
Aired: Mar 9, 200567. La kleptomane
Aired: Mar 10, 200568. Le pain
Aired: Mar 11, 200569. La mort le Roy Arthur
Aired: Mar 12, 200570. Le problème du chou
Aired: Mar 13, 200571. Un roi à la taverne
Aired: Mar 14, 200572. Les fesses de Guenièvre
Aired: Mar 15, 200573. Le billet doux
Aired: Mar 16, 200574. Guenièvre et l'orage
Aired: Mar 17, 200575. Eunuques et chauds lapins
Aired: Mar 18, 200576. Choc frontal
Aired: Mar 19, 200577. Le forage
Aired: Mar 20, 200578. Le discobole
Aired: Mar 21, 200579. L'expurgation de Merlin
Aired: Mar 22, 200580. Les volontaires
Aired: Mar 23, 200581. Polymorphie
Aired: Mar 24, 200582. Décibels nocturnes
Aired: Mar 25, 200583. La fête de l'hiver
Aired: Jan 3, 200584. Gladiator
Aired: Mar 27, 200585. La blessure mortelle
Aired: Mar 28, 200586. Le dragon des tunnels
Aired: Mar 29, 200587. Retour de campagne
Aired: Mar 30, 200588. L'escorte
Aired: Jan 3, 200589. Tel un chevalier
Aired: Apr 1, 200590. La pâte d'amande
Aired: Apr 2, 200591. La fureur du dragon
Aired: Apr 3, 200592. Vox populi
Aired: Apr 4, 200593. Unagi
Aired: Apr 5, 200594. L'éclaireur
Aired: Jan 3, 200595. Lacrimosa
Aired: Apr 7, 200596. La quête des deux renards
Aired: Apr 8, 200597. Agnus Dei
Aired: Apr 9, 200598. Le tourment
Aired: Apr 10, 200599. La retraite
Aired: Apr 11, 2005100. La vraie nature du Graal
Aired: Apr 12, 2005