In the aftermath of the Great Disaster, Japan lies in ruins, and Kiruko embar...
Season 1 Episodes:
As the moon casts an eerie glow, Maru and Kiruko are startled awake at a myst...
Five years prior, in the vibrant district of Asakusa, Robin, Haruki, and his ...
As Tokio witnesses the unusual infants, his sense of reality is shaken, and h...
Next episode, Maru and Kiruko return to Tokyo to discover a bustling neighbor...
The next episode follows Maru and Kiruko as they track down the elusive Immor...
Maru and Kiruko discover what they think is the doctor and the Immortal Order...
Dr. Usami leads Maru and Kiruko to a disturbing discovery after they eliminat...
Maru and Kiruko investigate a cryptic clue, tracing a trail of clues that beg...
Maru and Kiruko embark on a journey to the Ibaraki facility of Takahara Acade...
A new group of 5th years arrive at the academy, while Maru and Kiruko embark ...
In the next episode, Maru and Kiruko arrive at a thriving marketplace, rumore...
13. Tabi no tsuzuki tabi no hajimari
Aired: Jun 24, 2023The group of friends, Mimihime, Shiro, Anzu, and Taka, make a daring escape t...
Main Cast
Guest Starring