The debut episode, Spin Fun, establishes the main character group and the ser...
Happy Tree Friends
Season 1 Episode 13: Nuttin' but the Tooth
Toothy's expertise is put to the test as Nutty's sweet tooth leads to a dental dilemma.
Toothy's expertise is put to the test as Nutty's sweet tooth leads to a dental dilemma.
The debut episode, Spin Fun, establishes the main character group and the ser...
Handy, a resourceful beaver without hands, constructs a beautiful new abode f...
Giggles suffers a broken leg and narrowly escapes death when a dam bursts, un...
In the next episode, Sniffles the anteater's enthusiasm gets the better of hi...
A carefree game of catch turns into a disastrous scene for a father and son b...
In the next episode, Cuddles will try to convince Flaky to join him in the sw...
Vending Machines can be so cruel when the thing you want gets stuck, but that...
The Happy Tree Friends are revving up for a high-stakes competition, but Lift...
Winning a squeezable prize by trying your luck at midway games is a thrilling...
Next episode: Disco Bear's retro charm gets him into a jam with Giggles and P...
11. Treasure Those Idol Moments
Aired: Mar 14, 2000The group's unity is tested as they face a deadly treasure hunt, featuring a ...
Next episode: A gruesome discovery amidst a nostalgic setting, where cautiona...
Toothy's expertise is put to the test as Nutty's sweet tooth leads to a denta...
Be prepared for your first introduction to Flippy, the troubled war veteran b...
This episode introduces Russell, a pirate sea otter whose vocabulary only con...
Our first Halloween episode proves that Flaky really does have something to b...
Sweet Mime is just trying to bring joy to injured Toothy, but he can't quite ...
Trying hard to sell cookies for her troop, Giggles walks into a Lumpy disaste...
A leisurely ice skate goes horribly wrong in this snowy Happy Tree Friends ep...
The kleptomaniac raccoon brothers are at it again, stealing meat from Lumpy t...
That Nutty just can't resist a sweet treat! Luckily Cuddles is smooth on the ...
Lumpy manages to get in all sorts of trouble, and this episode is no exceptio...
Lumpy's relaxing day of fishing is anything but fun for Russell the sea otter...
Bowling. What could be more fun than bowling with a gang of friends? Well, if...
Building snowmen, making snow angels and throwing snow balls are fun winter a...
It's so much fun to go camping and roast marshmallows with your friends! But ...
Main Cast
Seasons: 6
Current Status: Canceled
Network: G4
Production Country: United States
It is also possible to rent or buy on Windows Store, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube online.