1. Handa-kun and a Girl's FriendshipAired: Jul 8, 2016Handa stumbles upon a mysterious letter in his locker, misinterpreting its co...
2. Handa-kun and the Continuation of Episode 1/Handa-kun and the Chairperson/Handa-kun and the ModelAired: Jul 15, 2016Handa's pessimistic attitude yields inconsistent outcomes in his interactions...
3. Handa-kun and the Truant/Handa-kun and Cooking Class/Handa-kun and His FriendAired: Jul 22, 2016Handa's first task as new class president is to hand over documents to Tsutsu...
4. Handa-kun and Handa-kun?/Handa-kun and a Girl's Jealousy/Handa-kun and SociabilityAired: Jul 29, 2016A new fan of Handa's has emerged, but their admiration may be bordering on ob...
5. Handa-kun and Student Council/Handa-kun and Memory LossAired: Aug 5, 2016Tennouji Sawako, the student council president, is a passionate advocate for ...
6. Handa-kun and Friend of a Friend/Handa-kun and Dash Higashino/Handa-kun and Palm ReadingAired: Aug 12, 2016Takao Kawafuji makes an effort to encourage Handa to be more outgoing, but Ha...
7. Handa-kun and the Supplementary Exam/Handa-kun and the LibraryAired: Aug 19, 2016Three students from the class failed the exam and will have to retake it, wit...
8. Handa-kun and the School TripAired: Aug 26, 2016A heated encounter unfolds as Handa and his entire class embark on a school t...
9. Handa-kun and the Frog/Handa-kun and the StalkerAired: Sep 2, 2016Handa's teacher announces a frog dissection project, and Handa is horrified.
10. Handa-kun and the Average Guy/Handa-kun and the BishoujoAired: Sep 9, 2016A peculiar student, Yukio, unexpectedly receives a romantic letter, while Han...
11. Handa-kun and the Cultural Festival PreparationsAired: Sep 16, 2016The annual schools festival is around the corner, and Handa must decide on a ...
12. Handa-kun and the Cultural FestivalAired: Sep 23, 2016The notorious school of delinquents has joined the festival, accompanied by t...