1. Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia
Aired: Oct 6, 2018The drama unfolds at Dahlia Academy, a prestigious boarding school where stud...
The sports festival kicks off with contenders vying for the coveted 'MVP' title, their competitive spirits ablaze. Inuzuka, driven by a newfound motivation, focuses on his goal, having secured a promise from Persia to grant him one wish if he achieves MVP status.
1. Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia
Aired: Oct 6, 2018The drama unfolds at Dahlia Academy, a prestigious boarding school where stud...
A thrilling episode unfolds as the Black Doggy House and White Cats House eng...
Next episode: Inuzuka and Persia celebrate their one-month anniversary amidst...
The Black Doggies are gearing up for midterms at their training camp, where P...
5. Romio and the Sports Festival
Aired: Nov 3, 2018The campus is buzzing with students preparing for the sports festival, their ...
6. Juliet and the Sports Festival
Aired: Nov 10, 2018The sports festival kicks off with contenders vying for the coveted 'MVP' tit...
7. Romio and Juliet and the Sports Festival
Aired: Nov 17, 2018The highly anticipated "Cavalry Battle" marks the conclusion of the sports fe...
The Inuzuka-Kochou-Wang-Teria-Wang complex deepens as Inuzuka asks Persia to ...
9. Romio and Char and the Present
Aired: Dec 1, 2018Romio embarks on a mission to find the perfect birthday gift for Persia, secu...
Romio's peaceful return to his room is disrupted by his brother Airu, the hea...
11. Romio and Juliet and the Birthday
Aired: Dec 15, 2018Persia's birthday arrives, but the celebration is dampened by Romio's attempt...
Romio's determination to celebrate Persia's birthday is unwavering, leading h...
Main Cast
Guest Starring