1. Rise and Shine Sleepyhead
Aired: Jan 1, 2018As Ansi, a new resident of the Wayne, wonders whether or not he truly belongs...
2. Like a Happy, Happy Bird
Aired: Jan 2, 2018With Ansi on board, Team Timbers follow a mysterious figure into the Wayne's ...
3. Mail Those Cards, Boys!
Aired: Jan 3, 2018After a robotic pigeon steals their mysterious post cards, Team Timbers and L...
4. Today Was Wassome
Aired: Jan 4, 2018Tired of being bossed around, Ansi joins forces with Wendell Wasserman, a spo...
5. Some Kind of Tap-Dancing, Beekeeping Whaler
Aired: Jan 5, 2018As Olly helps his new neighbor regain his memory, Ansi is convinced that his ...
6. Like No Other Market on Earth
Aired: Jan 8, 2018On the search for a mysterious rainbow gas, Team Timbers ends up in the Wayne...
7. Beeping the Binklemobile
Aired: Jan 9, 2018When the biggest Gleeco competition of the year comes to the Wayne, Ansi meet...
8. Spacefish
Aired: Jan 10, 2018When Olly, Ansi, and Andrei have a boys' bonding night "roof camping" they tr...
9. A Pair of Normas
Aired: Jan 11, 2018Team Timbers tries to stop reality TV show hosts from revealing the secrets o...
10. It's the Mid-Season Finale
Aired: Jan 12, 2018A sudden and eerie storm unleashes a magical phenomenon, bringing Olly and An...
11. Hit It, Toofus!
Aired: May 14, 2018A dinner between Olly's and Ansi's families is planned, but the Spy's surpris...
12. Wall-to-Wall Ping-Pong Ball
Aired: May 15, 2018Team Timbers ventures to the Wayne's secret library to uncover the dark histo...
13. Swap Shop Hop & Bop
Aired: May 16, 2018In the next episode, a nostalgic journey unfolds at the Wayne flea market, wh...
14. 8:08:08
Aired: May 17, 2018Saraline's 8th birthday turns into a late night adventure through the Wayne w...
15. Flutch
Aired: May 18, 2018Ansi gets captured by a talking pipe and taken down to a mysterious kingdom b...
16. What's For Linner?
Aired: May 21, 2018Team Timbers follows a magical paper butterfly to a fantastical origami world...
17. Leave the Funny, Find the Bunny
Aired: May 22, 2018At the Wayne Talent Show, Olly and Ansi put on a magic act and encounter a po...
18. Gimble in the Wabe
Aired: May 23, 2018The Wayne loses power on the hottest day of the year, forcing Team Timbers to...
19. Keep an Eye on the Nose
Aired: May 24, 2018Saraline investigates a mysterious walking nose that's loose in the Wayne whi...
20. So This is Glamsterdam
Aired: May 25, 2018With the Spy close to opening the Gates of Glamsterdam, Team Timbers prepares...