The Pyramid Code is a documentary series consisting of five episodes that investigates pyramids and ancient temples in Egypt as well as megalithic sites worldwide to uncover clues about matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge, and sophisticated technology from the Golden Age. This series draws on extensive research conducted over 25 trips to Egypt and 51 other countries by Dr. Carmen Boulter at the University of Calgary's Graduate Division of Educational Research. The Pyramid Code features interviews with prominent scholars and authors across various disciplines including geology, physics, astrophysics, archaeology, biophysical engineering, magnetic field theory, hieroglyphics, and Egyptology. The series delves into profound questions.
The Pyramid Code
The Pyramid Code is an investigative documentary series consisting of five episodes. It delves into ancient Egyptian pyramids and temples, along with megalithic sites worldwide, seeking insights into matriarchal consciousness, ancient wisdom, and more.