A new investigation unfolds in Arizona as a young businessman's brutal murder...
Taking the Stand
"Dan Abrams' Witness Stand Chronicles Crime Stories From A Unique Perspective."
"Dan Abrams' Witness Stand Chronicles Crime Stories From A Unique Perspective."
A new investigation unfolds in Arizona as a young businessman's brutal murder...
A 26-year-old accountant, Botham Jean, was brutally murdered on September 6, ...
A notorious parolee, Scott Edward Nelson, unleashes chaos in a quiet communit...
The next episode explores the shocking case of Shayna Hubers, a Kentucky woma...
A 24-year-old man from Alvin, Texas, was convicted of multiple crimes, includ...
Leon Jacob, a former Houston, Texas doctor, was convicted of orchestrating a ...
Sean Foley is on trial for the murder of his girlfriend's stepfather, Jimmy S...
The next episode delves into the shocking 2014 murder of Robert Limon, perpet...
A university student and athlete is brutally murdered after a minor traffic a...
George Burch takes the stand to defend himself against the charge of murderin...
A son's desperate attempt to conceal his father's death leads him to dismembe...
A gruesome murder rocks the academic community in Tallahassee, Florida, as a ...
A dramatic tale unfolds as a woman's desperate act of shooting her pilot husb...
A seemingly ordinary traffic accident takes a dark turn, leading to suspicion...
The trial of a babysitter accused of murdering a 3-year-old girl begins after...
The next episode's narrative takes a dramatic turn as a seemingly ordinary re...
The small town of Ohio is rocked by a shocking case when a couple is arrested...
A rural Iowa farmer's wife is found dead, allegedly killed by a corn rake wie...
A family of four is slaughtered in their Florida home, and the prime suspect ...
The next episode delves into the disappearance of 20-year-old Heather Elvis, ...
Streaming in:
Seasons: 3
Current Status: Returning Series
Network: A&E
Production Country: United States